Business Card

Business Card
"Thurible Productions, LLC" Business Card

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Accepting Headshots/Resumes for Casting Principle Roles

"Thurible Productions, LLC" is accepting headshots/resumes for the upcoming feature film "The Little Drummer Boy, The Movie."

Seeking actors to portray the following characters:

Jimmy Joseph- The Little Drummer Boy (age 7 - 9 years.  Should have knowledge of playing drums)

Dave Joseph - Father (tall, very thin, preferably dark haired with good looks - must be able to pull off a "gaunt" look - thirty something)

Claire Joseph - Mother (attractive, preferably blonde and in good shape - thirty something)

Adam Joseph - brother (awkward teenager, typical family rebel - age 13, 14)

Aunt Alice - Dave's Mother (big, robust Polish type woman - 50's)

Sofie Joseph - Sibling to Jimmy and Adam (age 3)

** Isabelle Joseph - Older Sister to Jimmy, Adam, and Sofie.  (Figure Skater a must!  Spiral long red hair, preferably with braces - 12 -14 years old.)

Fr. Mike Joseph (Uncle Slip) - Catholic priest and brother to Dave Joseph (darkhaired, very good looking - late twenties, a Jim Caviezel type.)

Zacchaeus James- Claire and Julie's Father (a Mel Gibson type - late fifties, hard-nosed, yet a brokenhearted man)

Julie James- Claire's older sister (smart, cool, beautiful - thirty something)

Abbey Montgomery - Julie's best friend (hip, African American, good natured, almost comical - thirty something)

Wendy - Jimmy's best friend and class mate (dark haired, pretty, naive, shy - around age 7, 8 or 9)

Goddard Finch (Finchster) - Jimmy's best friend and class mate (Down Syndrome actor up to age 20)

Mary, Mother of God - (beautiful, dark haired, green-eyed, actress s/b no older than 17 or 18, preferably 15.)

Joseph of Nazareth - Husband to Mary (darkhaired, handsome, good build - no older than 25.

Kyle - Jimmy's Guardian Angel (preferably a Jude Law type)

Other character roles include:  Three Magi Kings (King Baldassar, King Melchior, King Caspar). 
                                               Father Chen (Chinese priest)
                                               Monsignor Alvarez
                                               Dr. Jonathan Grey (Oncologist)
                                               Three Bethlehem Shepherds (Witness the Angel in the
                                                                                            fields at Bethlehem).

** actress should have figure skater ability to perform lay-back spins and other figure skating manuevers.  

Positions Available

With the impending filming of "The Little Drummer Boy, The Movie," we hope to bring on board anyone interested in these Low/Deferred/Nonpaying positions.  These are on a barter and/or trade basis.   For those interested in looking to expand your film making portfolio and to get more exposure.  Also looking for contributors and investors to make these positions paying positions.

Gets it all done on time and on budget!

Ability to work with any type of film equipment a must.

Production Assistants
Help on set and do a variety of tasks.

Audio Engineer/Boom Mic Operator
Knowledge of all audio and zoom and would be excellent if you owned your own audio equipment!

Lighting Technician
Know how to light the scene.  A plus if you owned your own equipment or are able to work with any type of rental equipment.

Prop Master
Should possess the "know-how" to get the props needed.  

Set Builder
Construction/Carpentry for the sets.

Must have knowledge of time/era custumes and makeup application.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We Received The "Venture Worthy Silver Award"

Raise money from Venture Capital and Angel Investors
VC & Angel Network

Hello Everyone!

"UpInSmokeProductions, DBA Thurible Productions, LLC" has just been rated "very high" on a "venture worthy" scale and has received the "Silver Award" from "Funding Post" for new Venture Capital Entrepreneur! What this means to you is that our film company has been recognized as a worthy enterprise for you to invest in. Please consider giving a small donation toward this project. We still are not near the  financing needed to begin production on this film. We are asking for your help so that we can try to get this film produced and in the can and released to video or hopefully, released in theatres by Christmas 2012!   Thank you for your anticipated generosity and we will continue to pray for your help and ask God to shower upon you all His blessings for your generosity!

God bless you all!
Up In Smoke Productions, DBA Thurible Productions, LLC