Business Card

Business Card
"Thurible Productions, LLC" Business Card

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Accepting Headshots/Resumes for Casting Principle Roles

"Thurible Productions, LLC" is accepting headshots/resumes for the upcoming feature film "The Little Drummer Boy, The Movie."

Seeking actors to portray the following characters:

Jimmy Joseph- The Little Drummer Boy (age 7 - 9 years.  Should have knowledge of playing drums)

Dave Joseph - Father (tall, very thin, preferably dark haired with good looks - must be able to pull off a "gaunt" look - thirty something)

Claire Joseph - Mother (attractive, preferably blonde and in good shape - thirty something)

Adam Joseph - brother (awkward teenager, typical family rebel - age 13, 14)

Aunt Alice - Dave's Mother (big, robust Polish type woman - 50's)

Sofie Joseph - Sibling to Jimmy and Adam (age 3)

** Isabelle Joseph - Older Sister to Jimmy, Adam, and Sofie.  (Figure Skater a must!  Spiral long red hair, preferably with braces - 12 -14 years old.)

Fr. Mike Joseph (Uncle Slip) - Catholic priest and brother to Dave Joseph (darkhaired, very good looking - late twenties, a Jim Caviezel type.)

Zacchaeus James- Claire and Julie's Father (a Mel Gibson type - late fifties, hard-nosed, yet a brokenhearted man)

Julie James- Claire's older sister (smart, cool, beautiful - thirty something)

Abbey Montgomery - Julie's best friend (hip, African American, good natured, almost comical - thirty something)

Wendy - Jimmy's best friend and class mate (dark haired, pretty, naive, shy - around age 7, 8 or 9)

Goddard Finch (Finchster) - Jimmy's best friend and class mate (Down Syndrome actor up to age 20)

Mary, Mother of God - (beautiful, dark haired, green-eyed, actress s/b no older than 17 or 18, preferably 15.)

Joseph of Nazareth - Husband to Mary (darkhaired, handsome, good build - no older than 25.

Kyle - Jimmy's Guardian Angel (preferably a Jude Law type)

Other character roles include:  Three Magi Kings (King Baldassar, King Melchior, King Caspar). 
                                               Father Chen (Chinese priest)
                                               Monsignor Alvarez
                                               Dr. Jonathan Grey (Oncologist)
                                               Three Bethlehem Shepherds (Witness the Angel in the
                                                                                            fields at Bethlehem).

** actress should have figure skater ability to perform lay-back spins and other figure skating manuevers.  

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